Patience and hard work are paying off as we'll soon have a new city garbage and recycling hauler. City Council and the Board of Public Works have given unanimous approval for GFL Environmental USA to be Fort Wayne's next provider of solid waste collection services effective July 1.

We've been through a lot of ups and downs with Red River since 2018, but as I said a few months ago, we're making it right for you and better days are ahead. We're looking forward to GFL being our new partner as we work each day to provide the best solid waste collection services possible for the 83,400 households we serve.


Did you know that May is Historic Preservation Month? If not, now you do! 

Every year in May, governments, historians, and community organizations join forces to celebrate local historic places and heritages. Preservation Month began as "National Preservation Week" in 1973 and in 2005, the National Trust for Historic Preservation extended the celebration to the entire month of May and declared it Preservation Month.

In Fort Wayne, we are fortunate to celebrate our history at every corner of the city, from important landmarks and homes to established districts and neighborhoods.

Charging Stations 

Some of us are still having a hard time wrapping our heads around the idea that there could be 35 million Electric Vehicles (EV’s) on the roads by 2030, but have you heard that the next way to power cars will be through solar energy?

Before exploring the future of solar powered vehicles, here’s a quick recap of the progress of electric charging stations in Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne's Public Works Division has installed eight EV charging stations at several locations throughout the community and will be installing another twenty or more this year. You can find their locations here.


Making a lasting and meaningful difference in the community and ensuring that Fort Wayne has a safe and efficient transportation system are main areas of focus in the Public Works Division.

With the arrival of spring, we're ready to move forward with a record year of neighborhood infrastructure improvements. Through support from Mayor Tom Henry, City Council and residents, we're embarking on a construction season that will result in $38.5 million being invested across the city.