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Due to time constraints, all questions may not be answered.
Specific questions regarding private addresses will be addressed without being publicly posted.
Speaker form here
Please feel free to call the Public Information Office at 427-1128 or 427-1120 if you have questions about the Speakers Bureau or want to request a topic that is not listed.
Parks and Recreation:
Homeland Security:
Fire Department:
Police Department:
Department of Public Works:
Community Development:
City Utilities:
The City of Fort Wayne Speakers Bureau is designed to give community groups and business leaders an opportunity to learn about the many services provided by the city's professional staff.
The bureau, administered from the Office of Mayor Tom Henry, enables citizens to invite a city employee to speak at a civic or social organization meeting.
The many topics covered by the speakers bureau include how the city's sewer system works, what easements are and what they mean to homeowners, local homeland security measures, business licenses and permitting, home inspections and code enforcement, water quality, green business certification training, trails and greenways, city trees and forestation and youth programs.
To arrange for an employee to speak at your organization's meeting, please contact the City Public Information Office at (260) 427-1128 or (260) 427-1120 or complete this request form. Speakers should be requested at least 20 days in advance of the desired meeting day.
A list of available speakers and their specialized topics can be found here.
Below you will find the slide presentation that Dr. Katherine Loflin presented on June 9th and 10th here in Fort Wayne. This presentation outlines the findings of the Knight Foundation's "Soul of the Community" study and the specific results for Fort Wayne. If you haven't read the study, you are encouraged to do so HERE.