December 9, 2021 - The City of Fort Wayne’s Community Development Division today announced that the application process for the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) will close December 12. The program was established with federal funding to assist those impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic by temporarily assisting with rent and utility bills. At this time, the City has committed all available program funding.
To date more than 3,200 households have received $11.9 million through the Emergency Rental Assistance program. Of that funding, more than $4.4 million in rental arrearages and nearly $1.2 million in utility assistance was provided to Fort Wayne residents.
The Community Development Division is requesting additional funds from the U.S. Department of the Treasury and hopes to reopen the ERAP application process if confirmation of funding is received. Updates will be posted to the website or people can call 317-552-1463 to check on the status of their existing applications.
Renters experiencing a housing or eviction crisis during the program closure can reach out to Shirley Rork at 260-918-6662, Eviction Intervention Program Director, for assistance.