January 18, 2022 - The City of Fort Wayne’s Office of Housing & Neighborhood Services has received more than $4 million in federal funding to address homelessness. Now, the City, in collaboration with the nationally-recognized consulting firm Homebase, is seeking public input on the best way for the City to spend those dollars.
Residents can share their thoughts and ideas through an online questionnaire found here. The questionnaire is open to everyone in the City of Fort Wayne and should take roughly 10 minutes to complete. The input will help the City develop a proposed Allocation Plan.
A paper survey will also be available. Those interested in filling out the paper survey should visit Suite 320 in Citizens Square (200 E. Berry Street, Fort Wayne IN 46802). Completed paper surveys can be left at Citizens Square or submitted to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The questionnaire will be available through Friday January 28, 2022.
The $4 million dollars in funding was awarded through The HOME Investment Partnerships American Rescue Plan Program (HOME-ARP). You can learn more about the program and this unique opportunity here.