April 24, 2024 - The 2024 season for Trek the Trails and Tread the Trails will begin on Tuesday, April 30 at 6:00 p.m. at Promenade Park. This special event also includes a free Trails Celebration Party, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m., hosted by Fort Wayne Trails Inc. TEDS Snack+ Bar will be open with food and drink for purchase. (After the Tuesday season opening, Tread the Trails will take place on every other Thursday as they did in 2023.)
Date and locations for the next 5 Trek the Trails bicycle rides:
- 5/7: Fellowship Missionary Church, 2536 E. Tillman Rd.
- 5/14: Buckner Park, 6114 Bass Rd.
- 5/21: Kreager Park, 7225 N. River Rd. (Meet near tennis courts.)
- 5/28: Shoaff Park, 6401 St. Joe Rd., Conklin Pavilion. (Turn left at the entrance.)
- 6/4: Covington Elementary School, 2430 W. Hamilton Rd. South
Locations for the next 5 Tread the Trails for walkers, runners and wheelchairs:
- 5/16: Buckner Park, 6114 Bass Rd.
- 5/30: Shoaff Park, 6401 St. Joe Rd., Conklin Pavilion. (Turn left at the entrance.)
- 6/13: Cookie Cottage, 620 W. Washington Center Rd. (Park behind the building.)
- 6/27: Indian Trails Park, 10313 Aboite Center Rd. (Meet south of the playground.)
- 7/11: Engle Road Towpath Trailhead, 7171 Engle Rd. (Additional parking available east of the trailhead and along the gravel service road.)
Full schedule of Trek the Trail bike rides: http://www.fortwayneparks.org/trails/news-events.html
Trek the Trails is sponsored by UAW Local #2209, Three Rivers Velo Sport and Bike Fort Wayne, and is presented by the City of Fort Wayne and Fort Wayne Trails.
Tread the Trails is presented by the City of Fort Wayne, the Fort Wayne Running Club, Fort Wayne Trails and the City of New Haven.