Mayor Graham Richard, along with Councilmen John Crawford, R-at-large, Tim Pape, D-5th and Tom Smith, R-1st on Tuesday August 21st announced a proposal for an amendment to the City's Municipal Code, Chapter 99: "Streets and Sidewalks; Trees and Shurbs" that governs placing signs on public land. Mayor Richard gave strong support to the measure that will strengthen the way the city deals with illegal posting of signs on public land.
The three Councilmen worked with citizens and other elected officials who urged them to make changes in the local law for several valid reasons. Many of the concerns voiced surrounded the potential safety hazard the signs created reducing drivers visibilty at intersections. Other concerns heard dealt with the unslightliness of roadway litter as more and more of the signs are posted along many of the city streets and on utility poles.
The amendment now defines Public Land and gives a broad group of city employees the charge to take down signs, posters, and notices that are illegally placed on public land. Penalties under the amendment allow for citations to be issued through the mail to any offender of the ordinance by the Right-of-Way Department. Fines range from $50 for the first offense; $100 for the second offense; and $250 for the third and subsequent offenses.
Mayor Richard is eager to see enforcement of the amended ordinance and fully supports the new language.