February 10, 2023 - Reliable, timely, and efficient ambulance service is a top priority in the City of Fort Wayne. Mayor Tom Henry continues to work with City Administration senior staff, the TRAA board of directors, and TRAA leadership to ensure that residents continue to receive life-saving


February 9, 2023 - At the February 9 Fort Wayne Board of Park Commissioners annual election of officers and organizational meeting, officers were elected to the following positions:

  • Justin Shurley, President
  • Cory Miller, Vice-President
  • Steve McDaniel, Board Secretary 

Also announced at the meeting,


February 1, 2023 - Looking back on 2022, Fort Wayne Animal Care & Control continued to expand its life-saving efforts and develop more ways to be more of a positive resource to the community.

Throughout 2022, FWACC encouraged the community to consider donating to our Angel Fund. The angel fund


January 27, 2023 - Fort Wayne Mayor Tom Henry will deliver his 2023 State of the City Address at noon on Wednesday, Feb. 15 at the Grand Wayne Center, 120 W. Jefferson Blvd.

The event is free and open to the public. Guests should plan to be seated by 11:45 a.m. A small reception will follow the


January 24, 2023 - The City of Fort Wayne has become aware of fraudulent emails going to residents who may have applied for jobs with City Utilities. The email presents a time and date and asks residents to respond for an online interview. 

The City Human Resources Department does not use email to


January 26, 2023 - The Fort Wayne UNITED Ten Point Coalition Celebration scheduled for this evening at 6:00 p.m. at Weisser Park Youth Center has been postponed due to poor traveling conditions. The new date will be 6:00 p.m., Thursday, March 16, also at the Weisser Park Youth Center, 802 Eckart


January 25, 2023 - Last night, City of Fort Wayne Street Department crews pretreated the main arteries with brine to reduce ice build-up. Once the snow began accumulating on City streets this morning, crews began plowing the priority one (arterials) and priority two (collectors). They will


January 24, 2023 - Cap off a full day of Winterval activities with Riverfront Fort Wayne and keep the party going into the evening at Promenade Park on Saturday, January 28. From 6:00 to 10:00 p.m. Riverfront Fort Wayne will host live music with Ty Causey, plus dancing, food for purchase and a cash


January 24, 2023 - To prepare for the snow event predicted for overnight and most of Wednesday, the City of Fort Wayne Street Department fleet is being checked and will be ready to begin snow removal when needed. Crews have been pretreating main arterial intersections with brine to reduce ice


January 12, 2023 - The City of Fort Wayne would like to receive feedback regarding access to affordable and safe housing in our community. As part of the City’s fair housing assessment, the Office of Housing and Neighborhood Services is inviting residents to attend a public meeting to discuss fair


January 4, 2023 - Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation offers highlights of the department’s 2022 capital improvement projects and programs. Over 75 Park projects were completed and the City of Fort Wayne invested approximately $3 million in Parks and Recreation Department improvements this year.

December 27, 2022 - The City of Fort Wayne’s Solid Waste Department would like to remind residents that the garbage and recycling schedule is delayed by one day this week due to the Christmas holiday.

December 23, 2022 - The City of Fort Wayne Street Department is currently plowing and applying treated sand for traction to the City’s main roads. The temperatures are too cold for salt to have any impact. Due to the ice on roadways and high winds causing blowing and drifting snow on top of the


December 22, 2022 - With temperatures dropping to single digits and then below zero in the next few days, City Utilities reminds customers that pipes and water meters can freeze, causing significant damage and costly repairs.