Only third local person to win Olympic gold medal

Mayor Tom Henry honors Lloy Ball's gold medal achievement in men's volleyball.

The gold medal.

The community on the plaza of the City-County Building celebrates the first gold medal earned by an Allen County resident in 32 years.

On the steps of


Work done while river levels were down

The City of Fort Wayne lowered a gate on the Maumee River'€™s Hosey Dam Wednesday, Aug. 27, following repairs and work along the Maumee, St. Joseph and St. Marys rivers.

The tainter gate, replaced in 2006, came back down, and river levels will naturally rise...

Provides better pedestrian safety crossing Coldwater to Springbrook Road

The City of Fort Wayne'€™s Traffic Engineering Department is starting improvements at the intersection of Coldwater and Springbrook roads for the safety of students at Northrop High School, including school zone flashers for both


Mayor Henry and Director Moll Kick off Public Campaign by Accepting Funds from Grassroots Group Called “Taylor'€™s Friendship Circle”

Mayor Tom Henry and Al Moll, Director of Parks & Recreation, called on city residents to support a public campaign for Indiana'€™s first Boundless Playground. City Council


Mayor Tom Henry today remembers former Mayor Robert Armstrong saying, “Today is a sad day for Fort Wayne. Our community mourns the loss of a well respected pillar of our community. Mayor Armstrong was a wonderful public servant as both Mayor and as a County Councilman. My family's thoughts and prayers


Compliance improves aesthetics, driver and pedestrian safety

The City of Fort Wayne reminds residents and businesses to keep all yard signs outside of the property'€™s right of way in compliance with the City'€™s sign ordinance.

For houses or businesses with a sidewalk, the sign must not be in the


2-week detour marked for drivers

Motorists driving southbound on U.S. 33 wanting to turn right onto Washington Center Road will need to use the marked detour starting Tuesday, Aug. 26. The detour will last approximately two weeks, weather permitting.

Drivers are directed to turn left onto Merchant Road, then right


Evaluations to start by Sept. 1, recommendation due to City, County Nov. 1

Fort Wayne Mayor Tom Henry and Allen County Commissioners Bill Brown, Nelson Peters and Linda Bloom entered into a memorandum of understanding today to study how emergency communications dispatch for the City and County


“Don'€™t Miss a Beat” to train as many as 3,000 people Oct. 25 to know how to save a life

 Mayor Tom Henry joining with six community partners announced today they will offer free hands-only CPR training as part of “Don'€™t Miss a Beat” at the Regional Public Safety Academy, 7602 Patriot Crossing, Oct.


Westbrook from State to Clinton to close permanently providing park-like setting

Following voluntary buyouts of homes along Westbrook Avenue south of State Boulevard, work is scheduled to begin Aug. 18 to transform that area into a park-like setting that will serve as part of the City'€™s flood


The Fort Wayne Fire Department Investigation Division announced the arrest Wednesday, Aug, 13, of Daniel Wayne Lopresti, 25, on preliminary charges of arson in connection with a rash of recent arson fires in the West Central Neighborhood.

Five intersections scheduled to change, studying additional locations to save drivers time, gasoline

To improve the flow of traffic throughout the city, the City of Fort Wayne'€™s Traffic Engineering Department plans to modify select traffic signals for off-peak driving times.

The City has


Mayor, HUD Representatives Join Non-profit Organizations in Commitment to Improving Homes and Neighborhoods
Mayor Tom Henry was joined by representatives from Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as well as others from the administration and non-profit housing providers to declare Home Ownership Week in


Water to be down from St. Joe dam, St. Marys River at Taylor Street to Maumee River dam to allow better access for work

The tainter gate on the Hosey Dam was replaced in 2006. It will be lifted Monday, Aug. 18 to lower river levels to make it easier for the City and County to perform work,


Mayor Tom Henry announced Aug. 11 he will be appointing two additional members to the Board of Public Safety, bringing the board from three to five members.

Two recent ordinances were introduced to City Council establishing a fire merit commission. “If we already have a board to oversee those


Joined by members of his staff and residents of the neighborhood, Mayor Tom Henry talked to residents of the Oxford neighborhood in Fort Wayne's southeast side Aug. 7, 2008. 

Mayor Tom Henry and members of his staff listen to this resident so they can follow up on his concerns.

The third in a series of


More than 25 City employees from across divisions and departments spent Aug. 8 taking part in the United Way Day of Caring. The employees painted a house with recommended by Neighborhood Code Enforcement. In addition to painting the house, they also removed some weeds, added some perennial flower beds


Curbs, gutters to be installed west of Getz starting Monday

Covington Road west of Getz Road will have lane restrictions starting Monday, weather permitting, for the construction of curbs, gutters and business entrances in this section of the Time Corners traffic improvement project.

There will be


Drivers encouraged to use Evard, Reed, Stellhorn detour

St. Joseph Road, north of the St. Joseph Center Road intersection, will close at 6 a.m. Monday, Aug. 4, weather permitting, for installation of a storm sewer line.

Part of the St. Joe Center widening project, this closure should last no more than 7


 Mayor Tom Henry and Al Moll, Director of Parks & Recreation, were joined today by Swinney park users as they dedicated a Japanese-style pavilion at Swinney Park. The new pavilion is based on old photos of Swinney'€™s original Japanese Pavilion built in 1910.

The original Japanese Pavilion was
