Water Pollution Control Aerial The Water Pollution Control Plant is the critical facility that removes harmful bacteria and other pollutants from wastewater before it is released to the river. In fact, water treated and released from the Plant is actually cleaner than the water in the Maumee River. The Fort Wayne Water Pollution Control Plant provides wastewater treatment for the City of Fort Wayne and surrounding areas.

Fort Wayne's Biosolids Handling Facility is located at 6202 Lake Avenue.  See map
Each day over 27 dry tons of material is left over after Fort Wayne's Water Pollution Control Plant treats and cleans wastewater. This material is stabilized in large tanks before is is piped to the Biosolids Handling Facility. The facility has 105 acres of drying basins where the material is turned regularly and air-dried for more than two years before it is mixed with composted leaves from the City's annual leaf collection program. This biosolids material is then sold to farmers and made available at little or no cost to residents. Biosolids are regularly tested for safety and to determine the amount of nutrients in the material. Biosolids Nutrient Information - Spring 2019

IMG 8436
The Three Rivers Water Filtration Plant was constructed at the confluence of Fort Wayne's three rivers in 1933. When it was built, it had the capacity to produce 24 million gallons of treated water per day (MGD). Since the original construction there have been two major additions: a 24 MGD expansion in 1955 and a 24 MGD addition in 1981. The total capacity of the Plant today is 72 million gallons per day, enough to supply the needs of Fort Wayne for at least the next 10 to 15 years.
Learn more about how the Three Rivers Water Filtration Plant pdfcleans and treats drinking water for more than 300,000 people in the Fort Wayne region.

Fort Wayne City Utilities has created a wetland area on the City's southeast side to store and treat stormwater runoff. Stormwater from several neighborhoods around McMillen Park goes to a massive storage tank at the park and is then pumped to the wetlands. The wetlands also provides a natural habitat for song birds, water birds and other animals.