Learn more about how the Three Rivers Water Filtration Plant
cleans and treats drinking water for more than 300,000 people in the Fort Wayne region.

History and Architecture of the Filtration Plant
The Filtration Plant was designed in the Collegiate Gothic architectural style. Learn more about the architecture of the facility.
The Real Cost of Bottled Water
Think bottled water is convenient? It may be -- but what about the cost? If you buy a cold, 16 ounce bottle of water from a vending machine, you might pay as much as $1 or $1.25. Buy the equivalent of one gallon (8 bottles) and you'll pay $8 - $10. Meanwhile, customers of Fort Wayne City Utilities can turn on the tap at home and get a gallon of safe, great tasking drinking water for just $0.0026. That's about a fourth of a penny. Bottled water has other costs -- the cost of manufacturing the bottles, bottling the water, shipping the bottles and getting rid of the plastic after the bottle is empty. Learn more about
The Real Cost of Bottled Water....

Protecting Water Quality
Fort Wayne's water comes from the St. Joseph River. Keeping the river clean helps reduce the cost of turning river water into safe drinking water. Learn more about simple things you can do to
help protect river water quality. The drinking water you protect might be your own.

St. Joseph River Watershed Initiative
City Utilities works closely with other communities and with property owners upstream of Fort Wayne to help them understand how they can affect river water quality. Learn more about the
St. Joseph River Watershed Initiative or visit their website at www.sjrwi.org.