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Agendas, Minutes, Complete Ordinances and Supporting Materials

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Watch City Council live, Tuesday at 5:30 on City TV, Frontier channel 28, and Comcast channel 58.

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Watch past meetings of City Council, Plan Commission, Park Board, Redevelopment Commission, HANDS Board, Legacy, and Neighborhood Presidents.

Watch any past Council Meeting, 1981 - Present 

City Council Members' Contact Information

Information, biographies, and email addresses for each City Council member.

Contact City Council:

At the end of every Regular Session, on the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of any month, citizens may address City Council on any topic that is within the Council's authority. To participate at a City Council meeting, simply step to the microphone and lectern in front when instructed by the Council President. Please state your name and address for the record at the start of your remarks.

Written communications may be sent to City Council or individual Council members. Mail these to the attention of
City Council Office
Citizens Square Suite 120 
200 E Berry St.
Fort Wayne, Indiana, 46802

City Council Schedule:

Committee Session - Tuesdays
5:30 P.M. - Citizens Square - Room 35 Council Chambers, Garden Level 
Councilmembers discuss the ordinances and resolutions for each committee in depth and vote for a recommendation on each item. No final action is taken.

Committee Sessions happen the first four Tuesdays of any month. There is no Council meeting on the fifth Tuesday in a month

Regular Session - 2nd and 4th Tuesdays
Immediately following the Committee Session - Citizens Square - Room 35 Council Chambers, Garden Level.

Council Members introduce new ordinances and resolutions to be discussed later. Council Members follow with the final voting for ordinances and resolutions discussed previous week. 
Regular Sessions happen on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month

City Council Meeting Archives 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006