The City of Fort Wayne has implemented a Blue Star Banner Program to honor and recognize City of Fort Wayne residents and City of Fort Wayne government employees who are actively deployed.

"This is a tremendous opportunity for us to recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of our service members. The men and women on active deployment sacrifice so much for our freedom that a program such as the Blue Star Banner is a great way to highlight the efforts of the real heroes in our City." – Fort Wayne Mayor Sharon Tucker

If you wish to recommend the name of an actively deployed service member for the Blue Star Banner Program, please use the link provided for the Participation Application Form.

Participation Application Form

Banners will be displayed through early November and then removed for protection from the weather. 

Individuals or companies interested in making a donation to the Blue Star Banner by being a sponsor may contact Karen Richards, Mayor's Office, (260) 427-2146 and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

