September 19, 2017 – Mayor Tom Henry today announced the sidewalk and alley improvement projects that will occur in Fort Wayne neighborhoods as a result of City Council’s recent passage of an increase to the local income tax.
Arterial sidewalk projects planned for 2018. The projects in bold will be started this year:
*Hessen Cassel Road from Oxford Street to Paulding Road
*Decatur Road from Gable Road to Hanna Street
*Winchester Road from Ardis Lane to Lower Huntington Road
*Stellhorn Road from Sirlin Drive to Maplecrest Road
*Reed Road from Stellhorn to St. Joe Center roads
*North Clinton Street from Colony Drive to Auburn Road
*St. Joe Center Road from Maplecrest Road to Arlington Elementary School
*St. Joe Center Road from Medical Protective Drive to Maplecrest Road
*Bluffton Road from south of Reservation Drive to Dunkelberg Road
*Sidewalk connection between Forest Ridge and Glens of Liberty Mills
Neighborhood alley projects planned for 2018. The projects in bold will be started this year:
*Spatz Ave. and Gaywood Dr. from E. Pettit to McKinnie avenues
*Weisser Park Ave. and South Park Dr. from E. Pettit to Congress avenues
*Warsaw and S. Monroe streets from E. Maplegrove Ave. to E. Sherwood Terrace
*Central and Plaza drives from McKee to Pontiac streets
*Buell Dr. and Hoagland Ave. from W. Belmont St. to W. Fairfax Ave.
*Broadway and Beaver Ave. from W. Oakdale Dr. to Kinsmoor Ave.
*W. Packard and Kinnaird avenues from Beaver to S. Wayne avenues
*Kinnaird and W. Wildwood avenues from Beaver to S. Wayne avenues
*Home Ave. and Beechwood Dr. from S. Wayne Ave. to dead end
*Fairfield and Hoagland avenues from Kinnaird to W. Wildwood avenues
*Hoagland Ave. and Shawnee Dr. from W. Wildwood Ave. to Leith St.
*Webster and S. Harrison streets from E. Wildwood Ave. to Killea St.
*Killea and W. Leith streets from S. Calhoun St. to Hoagland Ave.
*Taylor St. and Michigan Ave. from Thompson Ave. to Nelson St.
*Lewis and Hugh streets from Francis to Ohio streets
*Hugh and Eliza streets from Francis to Ohio streets
*Lewis and Hugh streets from Winter to Lillie streets
*Winter and Lillie streets from Lewis to Hayden streets
*Lillie St. and S. Anthony Blvd. from Alliger to Hayden streets
*W. Fourth and Third streets from Schilling to Franklin avenues
*Oakland and Andrew streets from Spring to Fourth streets
*Archer Ave. and Putnam St. from Oakland St. to Sherman Blvd.
*Oakland St. and Sherman Blvd. from Greenlawn to Archer avenues
*Ethel and St. Mary’s avenues from Goshen Ave. to State Blvd.
*Kentucky and Crescent avenues from State Blvd. to Nevada Ave.
City Councilmen Dr. John Crawford, Tom Didier, Tom Freistroffer, Glynn Hines, Geoff Paddock and Michael Barranda voted in favor of the plan to provide additional revenues for needed neighborhood infrastructure enhancements and future phases of riverfront development.
The .13 percent adjustment in the local income tax will generate $8.7 million per year to add new sidewalks to address areas of Fort Wayne Community Schools that lack sidewalks for children, improve alleys and move forward with phases II and III of riverfront development.
“Investing in neighborhood infrastructure and riverfront development will help us continue the positive momentum and investments being experienced in Fort Wayne,” said Mayor Henry. “We’re positioning our community and region as a point of destination for job and business growth by providing the public with unique quality of life amenities and strong neighborhoods.”
Progress continues to be made on planning for phases II and III of riverfront development. Design and engineering work will move forward in 2018. Phase II will be continued development of public spaces between the Wells Street and Ewing Street bridges. Phase III will be the development of public spaces between the Ewing Street and Van Buren Street bridges. Phases II and III will expand public amenities, increase flood capacity of public space and create private development sites near the river.
Phase I of riverfront development is not part of the local income tax changes. The fully-funded phase I is moving forward this month with demolition work and environmental testing of the property south of the river.