January 7, 2022 - Mayor Tom Henry’s Administration and City Council are working together to ask the Indiana General Assembly to consider changes to the solid waste bidding process.
A resolution is scheduled to be introduced at the City Council meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 11. The resolution requests that the Indiana General Assembly change state law to allow municipalities to use a request for proposals process for solid waste and recycling services.
Currently, Indiana Code 36-9-30 sets forth the requirements for local governments to contract with private companies for the collection or disposal of solid waste and requires such contracts to be awarded to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder.
The City believes it could better serve its residents if it could use the requests for proposal (RFP) bid process in its procurement of solid waste and recycling collection and disposal services instead of a lowest bid process.
The resolution formally requests that the state legislators who represent Fort Wayne residents to introduce and support legislation to authorize local governments to enter into contracts for solid waste and recycling collection services through an RFP process.
Fort Wayne’s current garbage and recycling contracts would not be impacted.