February 25, 2022 - The City of Fort Wayne’s Neighborhood Planning and Activation Workgroup announced today that 38 neighborhood associations are being awarded grants totaling more than $170,000 to support community-led projects. These projects range from new landscaping in common areas to replacing neighborhood signage.
Any registered Fort Wayne neighborhood association could apply to receive up to $5,000 in reimbursable grant funds. The program, run by the City’s Community Development Division, is designed to support neighborhood beautification efforts and strengthen involvement from neighbors.
This year, the City received a record amount of grant applications from several neighborhood associations that had not participated previously. The Southwest Area Partnership funded projects in addition to those approved by the City because of the overwhelming demand to support neighborhood-led projects. Those projects are included in the final list.
The projects selected will enhance neighborhood aesthetics, provide a clear community benefit, be accessible to all neighborhood residents and increase civic pride. Expenses such as routine maintenance, major infrastructure projects, social events, or operating expenses were not eligible for grant funds.
“We are continuing to our efforts to maintain and develop strong neighborhoods,” said Nancy Townsend, Director of Community Development. “It is clear that with the efforts made by our Neighborhood Planning and Activation group along with the support of our neighborhood associations we will be able to strengthen our neighborhoods across The City of Fort Wayne.”
“Neighborhoods are the backbone of Fort Wayne,” said Mayor Tom Henry. “It’s critical that we continue to make investments to ensure we have strong and vibrant neighborhoods. I’m also encouraged by the leadership and innovation from our new Neighborhood Planning and Activation Workgroup. Their proactive efforts coming from the City of Fort Wayne’s Community Development Division will make a lasting and meaningful difference.”
Each proposal was evaluated and scored based on grant criteria and available funding. The list below is are the initial grant recipients along with a short description of their proposed project, which still requires all necessary permits and approvals:
Barrington Lake Estates Neighborhood – Refurbish the existing landscape around the neighborhood entrance and install new seating at the neighborhood pond
- Grant amount $4,549.00
Bellshire Neighborhood – Replace existing mailboxes
- Grant amount $4,995.00
Bloomingdale Neighborhood – Add a new trellis in the neighborhood and enhance surrounding landscape areas
- Grant amount $5,000.00
Bluewater Neighborhood – Replace existing street signs and provide new information signage in the neighborhood
- Grant amount $5,000.00
Brickshire Village Neighborhood – Plant trees and provide new landscaped screening area along Maysville Road behind neighborhood homes
- Grant amount $4,720.00
Burning Tree Neighborhood – Add two park benches and concrete pads within the common area
- Grant amount $5,000.00
Chandler’s Landing Neighborhood – Replace existing light fixtures with new energy efficient LED lights
- Grant amount $3,500.00
Courts of Woodhurst Neighborhood – Redesign the existing landscaping within the community courtyard area
- Grant amount $5,000.00
Covington Chase Neighborhood – Remove existing invasive plants and replace with new native trees and shrubs to restore the landscaped screening area
- Grant amount $5,000.00
Covington Pines Neighborhood – Install a new entrance sign for the neighborhood
- Grant amount $5,000.00
Covington Reserve III Neighborhood – Redesign the landscaped area around the current neighborhood entrance
- Grant amount $4,985.00
Fall Creek Neighborhood – Install new riprap erosion control around neighborhood pond
- Grant amount $4,200.00
Foxchase Condominiums – Install a landscaped area in order to create a rest area long the neighborhood trail
- Grant amount $2,150.00
Glens of Liberty Mills Neighborhood – Repair and/or replace existing neighborhood entrance signs
- Grant amount $5,000.00
Hamlets West Neighborhood – Remove existing invasive plants from the common area and replace with new landscaping
- Grant amount $5,000.00
Hearthstone Neighborhood – Replace two existing outdated park benches
- Grant amount $3,915.84
Historic Southwood Park Neighborhood – Install new street trees and a park bench with concrete pad to create a neighborhood rest area
- Grant amount $2,886.15
Illsley Place Neighborhood – Add new entrance pillar plaques and replace several existing neighborhood banners
- Grant amount $4,923.00
Imperial – Swathmore Civic Neighborhood – New landscaping at the entrance to the neighborhood
- Grant amount $4,500.00
LaCabreah Neighborhood – Removal of aged trees at the neighborhood entrance
- Grant amount $5,000.00
LaRez Neighborhood – Install ten new hanging sign panels and add a new neighborhood marker
- Grant amount $4,800.00
Laurel Ridge Neighborhood – Install a new bench and two new picnic tables in the neighborhood
- Grant amount $3,976.00
Log Cabin Park Neighborhood – Replace several street signs throughout the neighborhood
- Grant amount $5,000.00
Ludwig Park Neighborhood – Replace the existing neighborhood entrance sign
- Grant amount $5,000.00
Maplewood Community Neighborhood – Install new neighborhood message boards adjacent to the neighborhood entrance sign
- Grant amount $5,000.00
Millstone Neighborhood – Plant ten fruit trees throughout the neighborhood common area
- Grant amount $4,995.00
Oak Glen Neighborhood – Install new sings, benches, picnic tables and add trash cans to the neighborhood common area
- Grant amount $4,799.00
Pine Valley Neighborhood – Continue the conversion of the existing tennis courts into a walkable nature preserve
- Grant amount $5,000.00
Poplar Neighborhood – Install twelve raised beds for urban gardens
- Grant amount $4,770.00
Renaissance Pointe Neighborhood – Create and install revolving art murals at Bowser Park
- Grant amount $5,000.00
River Bend Woods Neighborhood – Install new flat stone at the common area trails to help define the area for neighborhood residents
- Grant amount $5,000.00
Shores of Oak Borough Neighborhood – Install a 14’x 20’ patio with two benches in the common area
- Grant amount $3,500.00
The Hollows Neighborhood – Install three new park benches in the neighborhood common area
- Grant amount $2,440.00
Village of Buckingham Neighborhood – Install new riprap erosion control, remove existing ground cover and install a new bench in the neighborhood
- Grant amount $2,645.00
Villas of Rock Creek Neighborhood – Refurbish the existing landscaping at the neighborhood entrance
- Grant amount $5,000.00
Wedgewood Place Neighborhood – Enhance neighborhood common area with new seating options and refurbishing existing play equipment
- Grant amount $3,584.00
Wildwood Park Neighborhood – Install a new digital speed sign and planters along the roadway to help reduce high speeds
- Grant amount $4,800.00
Williams Woodland Neighborhood – Provide exterior home improvement or safety improvement repairs for neighborhood applicants, with up to $500 per applicant
- Grant amount $5,000.00