February 15, 2023 - Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation has developed an online survey for the paved trail at Foster Park, which is a treasured asset in south Fort Wayne for numerous recreational activities. This survey will help to address thoughts and concerns about the current trail and possible modifications to it.
The trail-specific survey is provided in order to guide overall planning as Fort Wayne Parks seeks to revitalize the Foster Park Golf Course leading up to its centennial anniversary. In 2022, input was gathered primarily from golfers at public meetings and via a golf-course specific online survey and golf course architecture firm Hills Forrest Smith was contracted to develop a plan to upgrade and improve the course. Before the golf plan is finalized, community input is needed to so that it can reflect and represent the many users of Foster Park. The public can access the Foster Park Trail Survey on the Home page of www.FortWayneParks.org.
A public input meeting will also be scheduled in the near future.