February 24, 2023 - This morning, City Utilities and DivDat, a payment services provider, cut the ribbon to celebrate the successful launch of two new Kiosks. The free-standing units allow customers to make immediate payment postings. Even better, the Kiosks simplify the bill-paying process for customers with improved speed, convenience, ADA and language accessibility.
"Whether it's our great-tasting water or finding better ways for customers to connect, we are 100 percent dedicated to serving the customer," said Abigail Welch, Chief Customer Officer. "We are thrilled to be able to offer enhanced, secure technology that makes transactions easier for our customers."
Located at Citizens Square, one Kiosk is accessible from the outside 24/7 just off the Citizens Square Parking lot at 200 East Berry Street. The other Kiosk is inside the building and is open during business hours.
The new Kiosks offer:
- Quicker transactions, averaging 60 seconds
- Easy bill lookup
- Improved ADA accessibility with a lower trackball and touchscreen
- Instructions available in English and Spanish
- Reuse of a single check for e-check payments
- Real-time, 24/7 customer support phone number
- The ability for DivDat to restart the machine if needed remotely 24/7
The Kiosks take cash, check or card, and payments are immediately posted to the customer’s account.
"Throughout the process of implementing these new bill payment kiosks, we have been continuously impressed with the City Utilities’ team and their commitment to implementing improvements that raise the bar on their customers’ experience," said Jason Bierkle, president, and CEO, DivDat. "We appreciate City Utilities’ focus on ongoing customer care, and applaud their continued efforts to bring additional convenience and access to Fort Wayne residents and businesses."
Over the last two years, City Utilities has added many new ways for customers to pay their bills. Geographically, customers can pay at any of the five Walmart stores in Allen County. They may also pay from home through the City Utilities' website at https://utilities.cityoffortwayne.org/ using a credit card, E-check, Amazon Pay, Paypal, or Venmo; or by phone using a credit/debit card or E-Check by calling 427-1234.
Recent City Utilities’ enhancements give customers expanded abilities to monitor and manage their water usage. The new features are available 24/7 through the MyWater portal, one part of the new meter system. Customers can check in and see how much water they are using — a money saver and real-time alert if they have a leak or a running toilet. To access the site for their home customers can visit https://fortwaynein.watersmart.com/index.php/welcome