October 6, 2023 - The City of Fort Wayne’s Neighborhood Planning and Activation Workgroup, in coordination with the Bloomingdale, Five Points, Hamilton, Lincoln Park, Nebraska, and North Highlands neighborhoods, is seeking input from residents, business owners, and organizations as part of a new neighborhood plan for Fort Wayne’s Northwest area. With community input, the new plan will help establish a vision and make recommendations that help guide future growth, redevelopment, safety enhancements, and preservation efforts.
The neighborhood associations are partnering to create a unified neighborhood plan by sharing similar community assets and strengths. Previous plans were developed for Bloomingdale and the Wells Street corridor in 2003; the most recent was for Nebraska and the West Main corridor, completed in 2010.
"Together, we're shaping a brighter future for Fort Wayne with community-driven plans that foster growth, safety, preservation, and unity across our neighborhoods,” said Nancy Townsend, Community Development Division Director.
Residents are encouraged to provide input on the neighborhood by taking a quick 20-question survey and using an interactive map, where feedback can be pinpointed to an exact location. The survey is available in English and Spanish online at www.thenorthwestplan.com, and in-person paper copies at the Little Turtle Branch of the Allen County Public Library on Sherman Boulevard.
"Bloomingdale is excited to be working with other great neighborhoods in our area to develop a plan that will outline long-term goals and strategies that benefit our community for years to come," said Chris Walker, Bloomingdale Neighborhood Association President.
Expected to be completed in late 2024, the plan will address neighborhood topics such as historic preservation, economic development, housing, marketing, infrastructure/traffic, utilities, parks and recreation, parking, connectivity, public safety, and zoning.