February 12, 2024 - Mayor Tom Henry and Fire Chief Eric Lahey announced today that the Fort Wayne Fire Department was awarded a $50,000 Employer Training Grant through the Department of Workforce Development (DWD). The DWD program offsets the cost employers assume when training employees in high-priority, high-demand jobs. The FWFD falls under the Health & Life Sciences category.
The grant will be used to train recruits for certification in the following occupational skills: Firefighter I, Firefighter II, EMT-Basic, CPR, Hazardous Materials Operations, Fire Apparatus Driver Operator, Technical Rescue Awareness and National Incident Management System.
“This grant is an important win for our community. We work each day to provide meaningful opportunities for our public safety employees to grow and learn new skills,” said Mayor Henry. “We value our partnership with the DWD as we work together in a collaborative manner to enhance services to better meet the needs of residents and businesses.”