A B.E.S.T. Team (Building Excellent Services with Teams) has completed its study of the McMillen Ice Arena. The team was asked to provide recommendations on long-term solutions to meet future skating needs.
The B.E.S.T. Team was chaired by Dan O'Connell, president of the Fort Wayne/Allen County Convention and Visitors Bureau. Ten arena users comprised the remainder of the team. The B.E.S.T. Team developed several recommendations that they believe will provide for better ice skating opportunities in the future:
* The City needs to evaluate the feasibility of constructing and maintaining an additional ice skating facility
* The ice arena's debt service should be transitioned to the City
* Staffing issues should be examined in an effort to maximize management responsibilities, revenues, advertising, and marketing
* An Arena Advisory Committee should be created to assist with programming
* Introductory programs to teach skating should be emphasized
“We appreciate the work of the B.E.S.T. Team. We look forward to finding new and innovative ways to provide better services to residents and visitors,” said Mayor Graham Richard. “We are fortunate to have an ice facility for recreation and competition. Our Parks and Recreation staff will work to develop enhanced programs to improve our current operations.”
Mayor Richard and Parks and Recreation leadership staff led by Parks Director Al Moll will review the recommendations and develop an implementation strategy to incorporate the recommendations that benefit the community.