February 2, 2023 - The City of Fort Wayne’s Community Development Division announced that FORT-ify 2023, a new Neighborhood Accelerator program, is open and accepting applications. This program aims to strengthen developing and relaunching neighborhood associations across our city through coaching, mentoring, logo development, and funding. Accelerator program participants will also be eligible to receive $5,500 in funds to complete a project from their planning document.
Neighborhood Accelerator program recipients will participate in monthly in-person workshops, work with City staff to develop a quick action plan, draft a new logo, and complete hands-on activities between workshop sessions to practice what they’re learning in their neighborhoods. Examples of the topics covered in the Accelerator workshops include governance, fundraising, community listening, and civic engagement.
All Fort Wayne neighborhood associations registered with the City can apply for FORT-ify’s Neighborhood Accelerator 2023 program. Applications will be evaluated based on the scoring guidelines mentioned in the program summary & FAQ document, found on the Fort Wayne Neighborhoods website: www.fortwayneneighborhoods.org.
Applications can be found online at https://www.cityoffortwayne.org/about-neighborhoodsfw/fortify-neighborhood-accelerator.html and are due by 11:59 pm on March 3rd.
For additional information or assistance completing your FORT-ify Neighborhood Accelerator program application, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call her at 260-427-2284.