Fort Wayne Fleet 3


Being good stewards of taxpayer dollars is a top priority for Mayor Tom Henry and his administration. Through engagement, innovation and performance, City of Fort Wayne divisions and departments are using proactive strategies to make a lasting impact.


Cities across the country and world compete each day to gain and retain businesses, grow jobs, and keep individuals and families invested in their respective communities.

Here in Fort Wayne, a collective commitment to engagement, innovation, and performance has positioned our community for current and future success.

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Fort Wayne’s growth and momentum are evident each day. Mayor Tom Henry regularly refers to Fort Wayne as a city like no other. Several recent examples highlight how our community is moving in the right direction with an abundance of positivity and excitement.

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The children at Lakeside Park watched from the monkey bars as a giant Connect Four game, colorful hula hoops and decorations was removed from the van. Young staff dressed in flower lei necklaces and grass skirts started some music and invited the kids to play. The oldest girl said “we don’t have any money.” A staffer replied, that’s okay, it’s free! All of the children jumped down and ran over to see the Park & Play activities. Soon those hula hoops were put to use amid smiles and laughter.