Fort Wayne's Department of Neighborhoods is committed to ensuring residents, neighborhood groups, and community leaders work alongside the City's Community Development Division to create and support strong, vibrant neighborhoods. 

What is Neighborhood Planning?

Neighborhood Planning offers local stakeholders (residents and community leaders) the opportunity to come together and shape the future of their neighborhood. Over the years, Fort Wayne's neighborhood plans have taken many forms, including plans for neighborhoods, areas, and corridors. Neighborhood plans do a lot for communities: 

  • Neighborhood Plans allow residents and businesses to engage in identifying a future vision for the area, and provide strategies and recommendations so they can reach that vision. 
  • Neighborhood Plans provide detailed recommendations for existing and future development to help ensure that neighborhoods grow as envisioned through the planning process. 
  • Neighborhood Plans can provide a level of analysis, detail, and guidance on issues affecting local areas that citywide plans cannot. 

What is Neighborhood Activation? 

Across the City, nearly every resident lives in a neighborhood. While some are organized and registered, many are not. Neighborhood Activation is an effort to support existing neighborhoods through capacity building, community organizing and best practices research it's also an effort to support non-organized neighborhoods by working with residents to form associations, community organizing, and find/develop talent. 

  • Neighborhood Activation allows residents of a neighborhood to join existing associations, or form new associations and support strong neighborhoods for all.
  • Neighborhood Activation provides guidance to neighborhood associations who are interested in growing their capacity or ensuring residents are engaged. 
  • Neighborhood Activation works to build relationships, and restore community fabric in each neighborhood to ensure there is growing civic and social capital. 

What Does This Mean For Me?

The community is the driving force behind each neighborhood association and neighborhood plan. The Department of Neighborhoods will work with neighborhood associations (or residents interested in forming an association) to ensure that each neighborhood plan is co-created between the residents and stakeholders and the City.