Rohli Booker, a devoted mother of three sons and a lifelong Hoosier, proudly resides in Fort Wayne's sixth district. She is an alumna of South Side High School and Ball State University, as well as a graduate of the AVOW Institute, a bi-partisan organization advancing women's voices in public life, and Hoosier Women Forward, a program empowering Democratic women in political and civic leadership. Rohli is also a member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, a community-conscious and action-oriented organization, which has influenced Rohli's dedication to advocacy and empowerment.
Currently, Rohli serves as the house manager for the Vincent House, a transitional shelter within the sixth district, and is the visionary founder of Aza Image Beauty, offering aesthetics and self-care services in her private studio.
Returning to Fort Wayne after living in Indianapolis for a time, Rohli set out to significantly impact her community. Prior to her city council election, she served as a Trustee for Fort Wayne Community Schools from July 2020 – May 2024, including a term as Vice President. Additionally, she represented the school board as a Commissioner on Fort Wayne's Redevelopment Commission during that time.
Rohli's commitment extends beyond education and economic development. She actively participates in her neighborhood association, advocates for positive changes, and supports the Fort Wayne Urban League as a board member, striving for equity and inclusivity. Maintaining connections to her roots, she engages with her high school's alumni association, fostering relationships, while serving on its board.
As Councilwoman for the sixth district, Rohli will address the needs of her community by prioritizing neighborhood improvements, affordable housing and ways to improve economic mobility.
Councilwoman Booker may be reached at:
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or through the City Council Office at:
200 E. Berry St., Ste. 120
Fort Wayne, IN 46805
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