Right of Way Permits
Permits issued through the Right-of-Way Department |
One type of permit issued by the Right-Of-Way Department is called a Right-Of-Way Cut permit. This permit allows for the excavation of rights-of-way —streets, alleys, sidewalks and parkstrips — for infrastructure installation or for maintenance of existing infrastructure, both public and private. This permit process is used to avoid potential facility location conflicts, to insure that proper restoration of the cut is completed, and to protect the public from undue hazards arising as a result of excavations. Upon issuance of a permit, an inspector will visit the site where the excavation is occurring in order to insure that City engineering and safety standards and specifications are being followed by the applicant during the course of the work. After the work is completed and the rights of way restored to an original condition or better, the inspector will re-visit the site to determine the acceptability of the cut restoration. In 1998, the State of Indiana changed the law pertaining to utility use of the public rights of way and made it clear that cities could recover the direct costs inherent in managing this public resource. As a result, we have re-examined our costs and procedures that pertain to utility occupation of our rights of way in order to insure that our costs of running this department are fully recovered through permit fees, as authorized by Indiana Code. More specific information on Cut Permits can be found on the Chapter 99 page. Permit Costs: Excavation (non-roadway) $80 Excavation (roadway) $175
Application for an access permit is made to the Right of Way Department. After collecting the necessary information asked on the application along with a plan detailing the geometrics and construction specifications, the permit is routed through the City Engineering and Planning Departments. These departments review the permit based on their areas of expertise, providing feedback, comments and requirements necessary for approval. Once the routing process has been completed, the applicant is contacted and informed of the status of the application. After a permit is approved, a Right of Way Inspector performs a pre-pour inspection, to ensure adequate form, grade and specifications, according to the approved plan and permit. NOTE: Per Access Standards Manual, only one Residential Driveway is permitted per lot along a street frontage. Corner Lots or Lots with 100' of Frontage or more may be considered for dual "horseshoe" driveways. Dual entrance driveways must be connected. For more specific application information, click here. Permit Costs: Residential $50 Commercial $250 new, $125 Reconstruct Commercial w/ taper lanes $500 TEMPORARY ACCESS PERMITS: |
A Parking Lot Permit is required in order to construct, expand or substantially alter a parking lot, to insure compliance with the City of Fort Wayne Zoning Ordinance. The application is completed and submitted to the Right of Way Department along with a plan detailing the request. The Plan must address construction materials and specifications, drainage information and screening/landscaping information. After collecting the necessary information, the application is routed through the City Engineering and Planning Departments. These departments review the permit based on their areas of expertise, providing feedback, comments and requirements necessary for approval. Once the routing process has been completed, the applicant is contacted and informed of the status of the application. PARKING LOT PERMIT APPLICATION Permit Costs: <100,000 Sqft $100 >100,000 Sqft $200 |
In order to construct or reconstruct a public sidewalk, a Sidewalk Permit is required, obtainable from the Right of Way Department. These permits insure that sidewalks are placed at the proper grade and line and that new construction adheres to accessibility requirements. Routing of the application typically is not necessary so approvals can usually be obtained fairly quickly. The permit fee to reconstruct existing sidewalk is $15.00. The permit fee is $30.00 for the installation of new sidewalk where none previously existed.
These permits are used to insure that proper notice is sent to the public and that proper and safe signing occurs whenever an obstruction is present within the traveled way. The primary focus is on public safety. Permit pricing depends on the classification of the streets being blocked and the length of time obstruction will be present. These permits are also reviewed by the Traffic Engineering Department and the Police Department. Permits may also be obtained through the Right of Way office for the renting of parking meters. See the Chapter 99 page for more information.
Please call office for permit fee structure. Fees for closures, or lane restrictions vary per road classification. |
These permits are used to insure that special events occurring in the City of Fort Wayne – including block parties and parades – do not cause major obstructions for the public. Permits for both block parties & parades must be completed at a minimum of 10 working days in advance prior to the event. Please note that certain events which require significant impacts to sidewalks or roadways should be discussed with the ROW Department up to 3 months in advance of the event. Coordination with FWPD may be required, and the applicant may be responsible for providing additional barricades at their own cost depending on the impact, timeframe and roadways involved. Special considerations and coordination may be necessary on roads that are used for public transportation. Block parties will not be allowed on major corridors within the City. Please contact the office if you need clarification or assistance with planning the event. Parade/Block Party Permit Application Form Permit Fees: Block Party / Neighborhood Association Parade $15.00 Application must also include signatures from residents affected. Public Assemblies (over 25 people) and Parades or Walk/Run Events $50.00 ** If Meters are required for event, Applicant must provide meter numbers. ** |